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Monday, May 25, 2009

Four Family Home Evening Indexing Lessons


  1. In addition to the four FHE Indexing lessonsan eBook of backup material will be provided.

  2. In addition to the four FHE Indexing lessons
    an eBook of backup material will be provided.

  3. Parents of teens can move them beyond computer games
    Lesson 1: Motivation and the Indexing website;
    Lesson 2: Volunteer and download your software;
    Lesson 3: Your first batch (download, complete, submit);
    Lesson 4: Review learning; Set and meet great goals .!.

  4. The kit for FHE Indexing consists of three poster sheets
    (with a lesson on each side of the second and third sheet), and

    an addition eBook of graphics and motivational information.

  5. . . . Wow! . . . Where is it? . . .
    Send an eMail note to:

    We will send you the eBook and three poster-sheets.

  6. Here is a preliminary draft of the four-lesson course
    The boxes [] indicate your ‘fast track’ to get started.

    Lesson Preparation: Visit the website and read the auxiliary eBook.

    Lesson One Scriptures, Prophet words, Our Heritage, Your Heritage,
    Motivation,  The Indexing Website, Overview, Review-Questions.
    Homework: Browse around the website. Talk to other Indexers/Ldrs.

    Lesson Preparation: Review lesson one and take the web tutorials.

    Lesson Two Scriptures, Prophet words, Our Heritage, Your Heritage
    Motivation,  Download the client software; click on "Volunteer".
    Each family member choose their User-ID and password: {note it!}
    Spend most of the time in the ten-minute tutorial, with discussion.
    Homework: Call 1-866-406-1830 and visit senior missionaries.

    Lesson Preparation: Download a batch to be able to show how.

    Lesson Three  Each family member download a batch to index.
    Motivation, The Indexing Website, Overview, Review-Questions.
    Homework: Browse around the website. Talk to other Indexers/Ldrs.

    Lesson Preparation: Review prior lessons and homework/preparation.

    Lesson Four  Download your second batch or group of up to five
    Batches — enjoy indexing and sharing experiences with your family!
    Revisit the Tutorials and project/field helps.

  7. .

    Find the Four Lessons and Additional Materialin: => <=



  8. => <=
    ( ( has the four lessons and additional material. ) )

  9. Ooopps! The URL uses 'Family' not 'Families', did you notice? Sorry!

    => <=
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